Hello to all my readers (or people visiting)!
It has been a while. And I apologize.
You know how much I actually miss writing in this blog? A ton!
I still have no idea what direction this blog will take ... but the fact that I have all these ideas, topics, etc. that I want to share and then never do. It's sad!
TODAY though, I made a consious choice to actively begin blogging again.
Part of it is to help reach my Relay goal (we are going to the Lake Steven's Relay this upcoming season, and I want to hit Grand Club)!
Part of it is to hold me accountable as I take steps in my newest journeys! (I'm vauge-blogging. I know. I'm sorry. But I promise I'll tell you more when I know more!)
Mostly it's because I want a place to reflect ... share ... and perhaps be someone's ray of sunshine on that grey cloudy day.
In the past months of not posting here, a lot has changed! I am happily married still (10 years now - woo hoo!), My children are growing up fast (TOO fast), and I am employed (a new employer, but nevertheless I have a job!)
Sometimes taking breaks from things we love is what is needed. A time to charge your batteries ... get those juices flowing again ...
I'm looking forward to connecting with my readers once again as I write this new chapter in my life! I am beyond the moon excited on where my life is headed. Thanks for sticking around ;-)
Glad you are back at it!! <3