Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Believe in the best

This is a mantra that is new to me, in the sense I have only been trying to abide by it for the last few years.

I don't remember when I first heard it, but it wasn't until a My Little Pony episode was on that I took real notice (yes, I watch MLP with my daughter ... and I am not ashamed to admit I like it just as much as she does.  I'm totally a Pinkie Pie).

Twilight Sparkles wrote a letter in one episode that talks about "believing in the best of your friends, for they have your best intentions in mind".

It is not just true with our friends - but with most people.  I apply this with everyone I come across anymore - innocent until proven guilty, you can say.

It was once I started to believe in the best in people, that some of my insecurities started to dissapate (not all of them are gone ... but we're working on it).

By believing that when someone told me something ... did something ... or even't DIDN'T do something ... it wasn't out of malice or rudeness.  They more than likely had your best interest in mind when they made their decision.

I try to keep an open line of communication, no matter whom it is, if there is any doubt that perhaps they did something that wasn't the best (at least in my mind).  By being open with my feelings, and believing in the best - my outlook on life has improved dramatically.

Now - I'm still human and fall back into old habits here and there ;-)  But thankfully those who know me, take it as just that - and know how I really am.

Try it - believe in the best of people.  You'd be amazed on how much better you feel in just a few days ...

Thanks for reading,

*Be the Thermostat - Not the Thermometer

Monday, August 18, 2014

It is time!

Hello to all my readers (or people visiting)!

It has been a while.  And I apologize.

You know how much I actually miss writing in this blog?  A ton!

I still have no idea what direction this blog will take ... but the fact that I have all these ideas, topics, etc. that I want to share and then never do.  It's sad!

TODAY though, I made a consious choice to actively begin blogging again.

Part of it is to help reach my Relay goal (we are going to the Lake Steven's Relay this upcoming season, and I want to hit Grand Club)!

Part of it is to hold me accountable as I take steps in my newest journeys! (I'm vauge-blogging.  I know.  I'm sorry.  But I promise I'll tell you more when I know more!)

Mostly it's because I want a place to reflect ... share ... and perhaps be someone's ray of sunshine on that grey cloudy day.

In the past months of not posting here, a lot has changed!  I am happily married still (10 years now - woo hoo!), My children are growing up fast (TOO fast), and I am employed (a new employer, but nevertheless I have a job!)

Sometimes taking breaks from things we love is what is needed.  A time to charge your batteries ... get those juices flowing again ...

I'm looking forward to connecting with my readers once again as I write this new chapter in my life!  I am beyond the moon excited on where my life is headed.  Thanks for sticking around ;-)