Friday, October 24, 2014

The Reverse Bucket List

In light of my exciting journey to come ... I have been thinking about things I want to do as I lose weight and get healthy.

Think of it as a bucket list. I'm just not dying or going away (well my extra weight is!) As I lose weight and get closer to the goal I have things I wish to accomplish or aquire!

This list will be edited and updated as I go along but for now in no particular order:

- Run a 5K ... In a respectable time a runner would be proud of!

- Complete a 1/2 marathon
- Complete a full marathon

- Do the Rock and Roll Marathon (either half or full)
- Do the Las Vegas Marathon (either half or full)
- Go on a vintage shopping spree through somewhere like University District
- Go on a shopping spree at Alderwood, Bellevue Square or Southcenter

- Buy a Burberry Trench Coat ... I fell in love with them last year. When I hit goal that will be my reward to myself!
- Buy a super adorable fitness outfit!
- Wear heels as often as possible!
- Lead a fitness class.
- Start a weight loss support group that doesn't require fees or such ... A safe place to come and talk about anything. 

- Create or make twists to recipes.
- Stay more on top of this blog with updates, etc.
- Go on a fitness retreat.
- Spend a day/night at a spa (ahhhhh).
- Go to the park with the kiddos and run around longer than 5 minutes!

- Get a full makeover! Hair ... makeup ... something out of a movie!

- Learn and go snowboarding! 

More to come as I think of them :-)

Friday, October 17, 2014

Family Vacations & The Great Wolf Lodge!

So - let's be honest.  Going on Family Vacations is expensive.  Even just a "quick camping trip" can run you a couple hundred dollars including food and gas.

I hope to do a blog segment later on how you can better save on your vacations (from tips I've done), but for now this blog is simple and sweet.

Josh and I have a few trips in mind we would like to take the kids on in the next five years.  Some big.  Some small.  One of them is the Great Wolf Lodge.  This will be a neat experience for both of us, as no one has been there before!  So not only will the kids experience it for the first time, so will mom and dad ;-)

One of my favorite blogs I follow, Queen Bee, is doing another Great Wolf Lodge Giveaway!  Follow this link, follow the instruction, and cross your fingers to win (as I'm crossing mine):Queen Bee Giveaway!

Of course while I wish you luck, I'm hoping to finally score a win on a giveaway so I can take the kids and hubby on this fun trip (would be a neat one to do later this winter after I've healed from surgery a bit).

Take care guys, and thanks for reading!

~ Be The Thermostat, NOT The Thermometer~

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Last Night

Just over a year ago, I wrote a blog called "Today Is The Last Day"

And the message I was trying to send still rings true.  But today, as I re-read that blog ... it's hitting a little deeper tonight on the emotion scale.

Today truly is the last day for my way of living.

So long I have been a prisoner to myself.  My bad habits... my negative thoughts... my sedentary routine I have created for myself ...

I have made leaps and bounds when it comes to my way of thinking.  Now it is time to take those steps in my physical health.

I am not happy with how I've treated my body physically.  And while I know I have tried to take it back, it just never fully stuck.  Now a tool is being given to me (and for those who think Gastric Bypass is the easy way out, do yourself a favor and research a little bit.  It's far from the easy way out).  With this tool I am going to apply all I know I should (and want) to be doing!

I miss Paige and her Zumba classes!
I miss my evening walks!
I miss Sweatin' To The Oldies with Richard!

I want to play with my kids, and not be winded 5 minutes in.
I want to eat balanced, healthy meals ... and not feel hungry an hour later.
I want to care about my appearance again, and take care of myself.

Today really *IS* the last day I will be like this.
Tomorrow I begin my two week diet before surgery.  This means in 15 days, I'll be sitting here packing my hospital bag (and probably writing a sappy blog entry, ha ha).

I look forward to sharing this journey with you all ... and I hope to help give hope to someone who thinks they've tried everything and to give up.  Or if they feel WLS is them giving up.  It is not!  It is YOU saying "I give a damn about my health and future - and I want to be here for a LONG TIME!"

Tonight is the last night ... this chapter is finally coming to an end.
I am ready to begin writing my next great adventure.

Thanks for reading!

~Be The Thermostat - Not The Thermometer~

Dear Soda

My Beloved Soda,

You have been my friend for many years now.  You quench my thirst at all hours of the day … you blend so sweetly with our mutual friend Captain Morgan … you pair well with many of my meals.

Unfortunately, with your amazing taste comes not so amazing consequences for over-indulging.

Let’s come clean to each other – we know our relationship should be on a part time basis.
Parties … dinner dates … vacations … these are perfect times that we should be together.

I have let you join in on almost all aspects of my life.  Lunch. Dinner.  Most snacks. Sometimes even breakfast.
Sure, I justified by doing Diet it wasn’t as bad.  But who are we fooling, soda?

It was getting about time to break off our relationship anyway … but now it really must happen.  See, starting tomorrow I begin my pre-operation diet for my life-changing surgery.  Gastric Bypass is no walk in the park, so there can’t be any cheating during this two week diet.  If my liver doesn’t shrink enough, they will have to perform the surgery a much more difficult way.  After two c-sections, I am done with people opening me up!

Even after the procedure, my body will be sensitive and adapting to its new system.  For many months, my diet will be selective and chosen based on nutritional value/comfort on the pouch versus whatever is easiest/tastiest.  I know this is my choice and I am doing this to myself, but I am doing this to SAVE myself.  Soda, you are an enabler to my unhealthy life style …

It is time we see other people.

I am enjoying our last day together.
It’s not you – it’s me.  Well, it is you … and me.
You’re high in sugar and calories.  Your diet blend is addictive (to me, at least) and some days has outright replaced water (which is never good).
I wish you nothing but the best.
I am not writing you off forever.  Yet I know if we should ever cross paths again, it will be a very long time from now - and even if I try you again, you will be so far and few between.

Thank you for being my comfort, but I’m ready to take my life back (even if that means giving up you).



Monday, October 6, 2014

Honest Reviews - Isopure

I thought a fun new segment in my blog would be to do reviews.  I have come into late tons of new ventures and products, so I wanted to share back out to my readers what I thought of them.
In this post, I will give the Honest Review of:

Isopure Zero Carb Protein Drink

With my upcoming weight loss surgery, I will be living on liquids and had read in some support groups how much they enjoyed this one.

On my lunch I went up to a local supplement store to scope out some protein powders and came across a bottle.  I selected the Alpine Punch, as their only other option was Apple Melon.  According to their website, they do have other flavors available (Passion Fruit, Pineapple Orange Banana, Icy Orange, Grape Frost, Blue Raspberry, and Mango Peach).

The cost after tax was just over $3.50 – it is a little pricy for just one drink, but if it was a meal replacement or supplement of sorts I could justify the cost (cheaper than a Starbucks fully loaded with sugar too).  From what I researched online, this is the median price.  Through Amazon it was closer to $5.50 a bottle (!!!!!!) but on sale at GNC for $2.50 (now that’s a price that appeals to my frugal nature).

So let’s break down the nutritional facts:
No carbs/sugar.
40 grams of protein (second ingredient on the bottle is Ion Exchange Whey [Milk] Protein Isolate).
No Aspartame.
No Preservatives.
Gluten Free.
160 calories per 20 oz. bottle.
Fat Free.
80mg of Sodium.
45mg of Potassium.
6% of your Calcium needs per 20 oz. bottle.

It seems almost too good to be true.  A fruity punch with no fat, sugar or carbs.  No Preservatives.  Little calories (compared to soda or fully-loaded sports drinks).  I was pretty skeptical …
Then I tried it.  I had my friend Danielle drink some too, to make sure a true opinion was formed.

The flavor wasn’t bad!  I was very impressed … very much like a Crystal Light, but maybe a little more watered down.  There was an after taste, but similar to an after taste you’d have from a protein heavy shake.  And the after taste went away after a bit too.  Danielle felt the same way about it tasting good and the after taste – but nothing that would turn you off from drinking this.

It even tasted sweet!  This is what surprised me the most, so I went to read the rest of the ingredients:

Ingredients: Filter water, Ion exchange whey (milk) protein isolate, natural and artificial flavors, sucralose, polysorbate 80 (According to the Google results, “polysorbate 80 is a nonionic surfactant and emulsifier”), phosphoric acid (According to the Google results, “phosphoric acid is a mineral acid having the chemical formula H₃PO₄. Orthophosphoric acid molecules can combine with themselves to form a variety of compounds which are also referred to as phosphoric acids, but in a more general way”), FD&C red 40 (According to Google results, “Allura Red AC is a red azo dye that goes by several names including: Allura Red, Food Red 17, C.I. 16035, FD&C Red 40, E129, 2-naphthalenesulfonic acid, 6-hydroxy-5--, disodium salt, and disodium 6-hydroxy-5--2-naphthalenesulfonate”)

I liked that for the most part, there was very little ingredients!
However, I already know that my friends and readers who are not a fan of additives like Red 40, etc. will be turned off by this drink.  Me personally I am no bothered by this, so this drink is on my good side!

It took me a while to finish my drink.  As light as it was, it kept me full – which will be perfect for post-surgery (and even beyond).  I thought how fun this may even be frozen into a popsicle tray!

Overall on a scale of 1 to 5 slurps – 5 slurps being “AMMMMMAZING”

And 1 being “EW!”
I give this a 3.5 – I would want to try other flavors to see if it held up as well when it came to taste.  The Punch though gets a strong 3.5 from me, and I look forward to adding a few into my post-surgery diet (maybe I’ll freeze one for Thanksgiving dinner … lol).

What do you think of this drink, if you’ve already tried it?  Or are you interested now that you’ve read my review?  Come back to chime in once you do try it!  Got any other suggestions as alternatives as well?

To check out more products or information on Isopure Protein Drink, visit their site.

Looking forward to sharing more brutally honest reviews with you in the future!

Thanks for reading!

Be The Thermostat – NOT The Thermometer!

PS - Unless I state it, I am not Paid or Compensated by anyone when I do these reviews.  I will give proper kudos and such to those who maybe pass along products for me to try or review :-) In most cases though, it's just me wanting to give a brutally honest review!

Sunday, October 5, 2014


Anger is an ugly and powerful emotion.

It twists us and drives even the kindest person to poor choices and behavior.

Drunk off jealousy, the brightest of stars fade into blackness.

Fueled by hate, the sweetest of flowers wilt.

Anger steals our inner peace and replaces it with an emptiness that cannot be filled.

Bitterness and resentment steer the ship while anger fuels the engine.

No end in sight - the captain loses control.

It isn't until the anchor of forgiveness is found and thrown overboard.

The ride screeches to a halt. It takes a moment for clarity to set in.

Warmth returns ... hope restored.

Time will heal the wounds but scars will forever remain.

Love and understanding is Anger's enemy.

Where anger blinds, love restores.
Where hate devours, compassion replenishes.

Extinguish Anger and Replace with Love.
Be the anchor and light for someone's runaway train.

Love. Not hate.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

"Won't you miss it?"

I have to be careful when I'm talking to people about eating something lately.

My Gastric Bypass surgery is just less than 3 weeks away now!

See - I am in a way, doing all these "farewell" acts of food crimes.

Large Blizzards.
All You Can Eat Pasta Bowls.
Bottomless Fries.

And while no one has said it to me yet - there is a little voice that pops up when I see expressions come across peoples faces when I talk about eating the last few weeks:

"Aren't you going to miss this?"

And the truth is - no.  Not really.
Like with any life style change, you have to make modifications to your daily habits.
More green - less fried.  More fiber - less fat.  And so on.

There is a great article that talks about the Top 10 Myths About Bariatric Surgery (HERE) that goes over common misconceptions of the surgery.  The one I want to highlight tonight is #8:

"Myth #8: After bariatric surgery, you won’t be able to eat anything that tastes good.
Patients who undergo gastric bypass may need to avoid very sweet foods because it can cause side effects like dizziness and nausea. Patients who have a duodenal switch typically need to keep fatty foods to a minimum. However, many patients can and do eat their favorite foods after they recover from surgery. They just eat very small portions. Even if you can’t eat whatever you used to like, you may find that WLS provides you with the ideal opportunity to experiment and find new foods to enjoy."
Watching my parents first hand go through this surgery, I can say without a doubt that while some items are no longer on their menu (my dad is unable to handle rice, for example) they still eat a lot of the same foods they did before. Just in smaller portions. Like someone would who was on a diet, or just trying to live healthier.

See - in my head, I *KNOW* what I need to do. I just haven't had the success I need to get to that goal weight. I have never weighed under 155 lbs since I was 14 years old. I have not seen single digits in clothing in my adult years (even at my lowest weight, I was still a 10/11).

I am being given a tool, and I plan on utilizing it to its fullest potential.
I am being given a new chance to really shine, and I plan on blinding you all.

So when I choose to have that doughnut with my breakfast sandwich in the next few days, it's not because I'm never going to eat a doughnut again (Tim Hortons and I are BFFs when I go to Canada -*Tim Hortons as mini doughnut holes - we are going to be best friends in about 6 months from now!). It's only because I know this will be the last time I can eat so poorly without my tool revolting against me ;-) And I am VERY okay with that.

Thanks for reading,


Be The Thermostat - Not The Thermometer

Breast Cancer Awareness Month - And (one big reason) Why I Relay ...

1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer.

Breast Cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women.

Breast Cancer is the second leading cause of death among women.

Each year it is estimated that over 220,000 women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer and more that 40,000 will die.
(That's 18% or about 1 in 5 diagnosed)

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month.
For me, Breast Cancer Awareness is something I try to keep on the forefront year round.

All cancer is scary.  All cancer is bad.
For me, Breast Cancer has almost claimed the lives of two of my most favorite people.
My Aunt Tanda, and My Close Friend Dawn.

Each has their own stories - their own journeys and battles.  Both are survivors,  and I am so grateful for that.

Breast Cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide (source), so I am thankful that there is so much awareness surrounding it to help better educate women (and men).  Some may think it's a little overboard, but I think there can never be too much exposure for cancer and anything you can do to help prevent/cure it.

There are two big things I always tell people though about this month:

1) You are never too young to do a boob check!

Whether you go get your boobs pancaked in a monogram or you do an at home check, do it!  Early detection is key!!  Especially if you have a history of cancer in your family, get checked out!
According to The American Cancer Society, women 40 and over should have annual mammograms.  And women in their 20/30's should have a clinical breast exam every 3 years (source).  I do it about once a month, in the shower - and have them check at my annual appointment every year.  I never want to get the "it will never happen to me" mentality - so I check often (along with my skin for Melanoma - but that's another blog post for another day).

Here are some great sites to check out to perform a check at home:

Ask your primary physician about scheduling a mammogram if you are 40 or over.  Or you can contact Planned Parenthood to see about scheduling a mammogram (Planned Parenthood Site)

2) While all this pink merchandise is GREAT and AWESOME to raise awareness ... check the facts on where that "portion of sales" is going.

It sucks - but some companies are quick to make a buck off of breast cancer awareness.  Whenever you see a product promoting itself as giving back, check to see which charity it lists.  If a charity is not listed right on the product, do some research!  A good site to use is Charity Watch.  You can look up charities by name, or by category.I'm not saying DON'T buy that pink scarf ... just be aware of where that money is going!

Cancer Sucks.
Thankfully research is getting better, and new treatments are coming out all the time.
I have hope that my daughter will grow up, and Cancer is only going to be a Zodiac Sign.
That Cancer is nothing more than a minor infection that can be treated and removed from the body.

Too many of my family and friends have been affected by cancer.

Aunt Tanda and Dawn are incredible, strong, beautiful women that I look up to.  They have endured a chapter in their lives, that no person should have to go through.  It is because of their strength and determination to kick cancer's ass, that I Relay For Life.

This is my third year doing Relay, and while we have switched over to a new city, the mission remains the same: Celebrate.  Remember.  Fight Back.
Through Awareness and Support, I wish to lift the spirits of those who are affected by Cancer.
Through Fundraising, I wish to help fund Research and Studies and find a cure for Cancer.

Through Relay For Life - I can do all these things.
Support your local Relay For Life, or any other Cancer Cause that touches you.

Together - we can make a difference!

I dedicate this post to my Aunt Tanda, My friend Dawn, and all the other Breast Cancer patients that either have won or lost their battles.  I will keep relaying because of you <3

Thank you for reading.
Be The Thermostat - Not The Thermometer

PS - I have set the bar high for myself this year, and want to raise $1,000 for my Relay For Life.  Anything and everything helps <3  Please donate to this amazing cause by going HERE