Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Today is the last day

Yesterday, a group of friends (and some of their spouses) accepted an 8 week biggest loser challenge with me.

Many of us, if not all of us, have struggled with our weight in some way.  Some of us were skinny for the longest time, and just got a little padding around the 6-pack.  There are others who were always bigger, lost weight and are continuing their journey.

Each of our stories is unique.  No matter our paths behind us, for the next 8 weeks we share a path together moving forward.  We all share the same goal: get healthy.  Our reasons vary: weddings, kids, general health.

As each weight came into my inbox, I heard the same sentiment over and over again:
(Mine was a heavy sigh, as I had noted my neglect for the last few weeks had found their way back to the scale).

And to each of them, I said the same thing:
"This is the last day you will see that number."
I told myself, and my weight watchers leader, the same thing: "This is the last time I will be this heavy.  Ever."

This morning, after brushing my teeth quietly and throwing on my obnoxiously loud-orange sweatshirt, I repeated it again:
"Nichole.  This is the last time you'll be this heavy.  This is the last time you'll look in the mirror and think, what in the world happened.

This is the last time you'll be this young.  You need to take advantage of every minute of this day - there are some not as lucky as you to have this time.  It is precious and needs to be treated with care.

This is the last time you'll beat yourself up.  Your double chin will fade, but the wrinkles are still coming.  Be thankful those gray hairs have not made their appreance.

This is the last time you'll have a beautiful baby girl who is 955 days old and a handsome baby boy who is 372 days.  Tomorrow they will be 956 days and 373 days old.  They are only going to get older.  Enjoy these days.

This is the last time."

I would be lying if I said "this is the last time I would be negative" or "this is the last time I'll feel this tired" ... I am an emotional woman with two very young children (ha, ha, ha).

What I want to take from this, and what I hope you take from this, is that whatever worry you may have today.  Whatever frustration that made you want to pull your hair out (a few things definitely pushed me over the edge today).  Whatever mess up you may have endured (eating that extra slice of pizza versus more veggies).  Whoever stole you thunder and put you in a sour mood (shame on them).

Today is the last day you'll do that.  Today is the last day that person will poison your thoughts (okay, this may take a few days - but you should try your best to rid yourself of that negative influence).

I'm not trying to preach YOLO (more like YO-BARF).  But seriously guys - Carpe Diem.  Seize This Day.  Embrace your flaws and celebrate your strengths.  If you want to change something, do it now.  Tomorrow is never going to come ... as tomorrow always becomes today.

Today is the last day.

Thanks for reading.

~Be The Thermostat, Not The Thermometer~

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