Sunday, October 6, 2013

The Nikki Fu Experiment: Daily / Weekly Update

Hello everyone!

I hope every has had a good week.

It's time for another update!

Let's start with the daily goals:

1) King, Queen, Pauper Approach to meals.  The idea was to eat like a King for breakfast ... like a Queen for lunch ... and a Pauper for dinner.
I tried this approach.
And it didn't stick beyond a few days.

Rather than eat a big meal for breakfast, I sought out balance (making sure I had fruit and some protein) and carbs (energy) for my morning meal.  Lunch tended to be bigger than dinner.  Dinner was balanced/moderate. 

The idea isn't a bad one ... just wasn't for me.  What it did teach me though, is not to go super heavy on dinner.  The nights I did, I felt sluggish and "blah".  I liked having a bigger lunch, too, because it really got me through my afternoon (with a snack pick-me-up).

2) Drink Green Tea every day.  The idea is that green tea is supposed to help your metabolism and therefore burn calories.
I bet if I had invested more into this, and drank more than a cup a day (when I remembered) - it would work.  However, I didn't drink it as often as I should.  I really enjoyed it when I did, though.  So this idea I'll keep as apart of my daily routine (when I remember - ha, ha!)

Daily goals for this upcoming week:

1) Limit my time on the computer.
Let's face it - our asses are getting flatter as we become more technologically advanced.  I am a major advocate of social media and the good it does.  However, social media is also bad (ha, ha).  It can be abused for over-sharing (guilty), over-analyzing (guilty) and well ... distracting from more important duties at task (VERY guilty).  Just I do with the kids, I need to limit a screen in front of my face.
With that being said, I am limiting myself to 30 minutes of social media in the morning, and 30 minutes at night.  The exception to this is: Email, School, Work, Blog.  Obviously.  This is going to be especially hard for me with Relay and the Biggest Loser 5K coming up Sunday.  HOWEVER, I need to disconnect a little bit.  I feel my body and ass getting squishier as each minute passes me sitting in a chair doing homework, work, etc.

2) NO caffeine after 4 PM (except on Friday/Saturday)
I am not quite ready to give up soda.  I know, I know ... it's bad.  Especially the diet stuff (my favorite).  I have read how it can help with your sleep pattern to cut out caffeine after a certain point.  I do need to make it past 8:30 p.m. most nights ... but I do notice that having a diet coke (or coke zero) with my dinner does impact how easily I fall asleep.  I hope to do some evening workouts, and gain energy there to get me to 10-11 p.m.

Now let's review my weekly goals (since we're in week 2):

1) Do 30 minutes of cardio, 5 times a week PLUS 2 days of weight lifting/resistance training.
Annnnnnnnnnnd I bombed (lol).
I did work out.  I did not do any weight lifting/resistance training.  I will be keeping this goal, as it's something I strive for!

2) Have a meatless dinner once a week.
Josh was thrilled that I did not hit this goal.  However, I did go meatless during a couple breakfasts (small victories, right?)
I still want to try this ... but I think it's getting shelved for the time being.

3) Read from a non-school related book 3x a week.
This one, I actually did.  And I loved.  Shamelessly, I have finished two of the three books in the "50 Shades" series.  I also read a magazine!  I loved every minute of this, and plan on keeping this one (even more now with limiting my computer time).

The next two week's weekly goals will be:

1) Do 30 minutes of cardio, 5 times a week PLUS 2 days of weight lifting/resistance training.
Since I didn't hit this goal like I wanted to, I wanted to try at it again.

2) Have a dessert every day.
This seems like a weird one, I know.  We need to remember that treating ourselves is a good thing.  Desserts is highly encouraged in a lot of diet plans I read ... and even the whole "glass of wine, once a day" is mentioned a bit.  Originally I was going to make my goal "drink a glass of wine, a day", but with my weight watcher plan I knew that could be more points than I could afford each night.  So instead, I wanted to pick and choose my dessert.  I am sure there will be wine when possible.

It was a really weird week.
I haven't been able to put words yet to how I felt through it all - but it no doubt influenced how I approached my goals.

Another mini-goal of mine, is not to be so influenced by stress and others when it comes to my well being.  I am so easily impacted, as deep down I am emotional.  I just gotta repeat the mantra and push past it.
Not only is there $200 on the line (biggest loser competition) but my health is on the line.  A better body and outlook is on the line.

What do you struggle with, or have found to derail you, when it comes to your health goals?
I'd love to hear yours.
And remember - it's a new week.
Let's own this.

Thanks for reading.

~Be The Thermostat, Not The Thermometer~

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