Thursday, October 8, 2015

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The Reboot of Nikki 2.0!

It's been a long time!
There are plenty of reasons why my poor blog and its followers have not been updated.
I'm sorry for that.

However though, I am now ready to give you and this blog the attention it deserves!

In the last 9 months, I have come to realize just how much of an impact my journey has had on myself and others.  I'm not trying to sound conceded or prideful - far from it!  If anything, being so open about my weight loss surgery has made me more scared of failing.  However, it also has also shown me how many people out there are curious of the surgery.  It has also shown me just how many of us are hurting on the inside as well.

There has been so much love and support.  There has also been some disappointment and heart break, resulting in people pushing me away or leaving my life all together.  All of these emotions and situations, I anticipated.  The decision to have the surgery was not only to lose weight - but to reclaim my identity.

In a way, it was a selfish choice I made to get the Gastric Bypass Surgery.  The time leading up, and after, would require focus on my physical and mental health.  Restrictions ... Sacrifices ... Limitations ... ALL necessary for the greatest reward: My Life.  
A freedom from my addiction to food.  
Breaking out of my prison of negative self-worth views.  

I was taking control of this runaway train.

I had been killing myself.  Here I was, in my early 30's ... in my prime, and I was throwing away everything because I was so disgusted with myself.  I envied those who were my size or bigger who had so much love and confidence for themselves - I wished I could have had that for myself then.  I didn't though, and every time I tried I found myself falling harder than before.

When I made the decision to get the RNY - it wasn't so I could be a size 2, or to lose a bunch of weight.  It was so I could finally not be winded after a flight of stairs.  I would have been happy at a size 20 could I run a 5K without feeling like dying.

Once I went fully public about my journey, there were those who insisted I try to do it on my own.  Again.  I said it then, and I say it now: RNY is not a solution.  It is a Tool.
I had tried all those ways on my own ... even down to the very basic in/out approach (calories in - calories out).  
Yet my weight loss and physical health saw no significant changes.  I then would sabotage myself - my mental demons holding me down once more.

Through many appointments with many kinds of doctors ... I was approved to take this tool and get my life back.  Now, whatever I choose to do - it would WORK. And ... IT HAS.

But it's still work!  When I make poor food choices - my weight loss stalls, and I even gain. 
That's right - I have gained wait even after having the surgery.  
It's nothing to stop the presses for ... but it's humbling and a reminder of what I need to do.
When I miss a work out, my energy lags.
When I don't get enough sleep, my mind and body don't fully function.

Everyone's weight loss journey is different.
Everyone's life journey, is different.

I want to invite my readers into a place where judgement is checked at the door.  Where you can bare your emotions and gain knowledge for your own journey.

Welcome back, to Nikki 2.0 ... Upgraded ;-)

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


In recent years, health experts and even our own government has put out how our "plates" should look for each meal.

It is a good visual to help remind us how we should be having balanced meals, and what not to over do.

Yet many of us, while perhaps being careful with our physical plates laid before us, are not taking care of our personal plates.  Our mind, body and soul have plates that we need to keep balanced and healthy as well!

Too often we pile up on "empty" things. We over-commit and take on more than we can handle. Our plates more than not lack the fruits of life that our soul needs to be balanced.

Look at your personal plate right now - what would you see?

Do you see it balanced with life, love and happiness?  Work not overflowing onto your other areas ... family being as full as your leafy greens should be on your dinner plate ... constant running around doing errands as small as the butter on your roll ...

Our personal plates will never be perfect - life does happen.

Just remember not to fill up on the crap (toxic relationships, dead end jobs, no physical activity) and go for seconds on what makes your soul smile (more family nights, date nights, get together with friends).

Our personal plates are just as important as our physical plates.  <3

Thanks for reading,

*Be The Thermostat - Not The Thermometer*

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The basics to a dinner cupcake!

That's right. You read that right.

Cupcakes. For dinner.

Now, before you get excited I should clarify that these aren't your sugar laden delights that you normally get. These are portion controlled deliciousness that everyone in the family can enjoy.

Inspired by a pin I found on Pinterest a few years ago I have now gotten to a point where I can make a dinner cupcake just using my imagination!

(Credit for the inspirational pin goes to Emily Bites,  who posted a pin similar to this one. Emily Bites also had a bunch of other fun and delicious low cal/diet friendly recipies!)

To make any dinner cupcake, you will need wonton wrappers. They can be found in the refrigerated section of the grocery store (I find mine over by the yakisoba noodles and tofu products. Don't worry, they're not made from tofu!)

Otherwise, the only other item you'll need is a muffin pan (regular size - not minis or jumbo). The rest is up to your imagination! I try to follow the same formula: protein, fat and filler.

(Before I go further - fat is not all bad! It's all about moderation and the kind of fat. Plus these awesome cupcakes are portion controlled so the fat content isn't crazy.)

Let's just quickly break it down:

Protein: I try to get a meat in there like shredded chicken ... ground turkey ... even just as simple as pepperoni slices *if my filler is big, in example.  I used left over pulled Mexican pork for my dinner taco the other night. I will say this - I highly recommend you cook your meat first, or use pre cooked meat. The wonton may burn if you have to cook the meat along with the baking of the cupcake.

Fat: 9 out of 10 times, this is cheese for me. Something about melted cheese that makes me smile! (And my kids). If you have it on hand, laughing cow cheese works wonderful. Sometimes even mixing in the cheese with your meat works! (I did Buffalo Chicken ones for super bowl last year and mixed in cream cheese for baking. Then sprinkler blue cheese on top).

Filler: Not always necessary (i.e. my Buffalo Chicken cupcakes don't have a filler) but a nice touch if it feels right!  (I used beans in my Mexican pork ones the other night).

After you select your ingredients, comes the easy assembly. Pre heat your oven to 425 ... place 1 to 2 wonton wrappers down in a cup, creating a bowl. Fill with your meat, filler than fat. It does not have to be in that order per say ..  but I recommend the cheese being the top layer.  Then lay down two more wrappers, creating another bowl. Same step as before,  fill it up and it's ready to bake. Just stick it into your oven for 12 to 16 minutes (just keep an eye on them so the sides don't get TOO crispy!)

That's the gist of it! Pretty simple right :-)

You can make these however you like - Let your imagination run wild!

Garnish your cupcakes with fresh avocado, sour cream, ketchup! Whatever your heart desires.

When I made these on Sunday, I ate about 3/4 of mine (obviously not a whole lot of space).  Most adults will find two to three cupcakes does the trick!

This also makes great party food (just as I mentioned above I made some for Super Bowl last year).  Pair them with another side, like a soup or salad. Eat them alone as the main star.  The dinner cupcake has so many possibilities, you'll find yourself soon like me trying to experiment with new fillers and such ...

I guarantee your family will not be upset to act as your guinea pigs ;-)

I hope this helps, and if you have any questions please feel free to post them below!

Bon appetit!

Thanks for reading,

*Be The Thermostat,  Not The Thermometer*

Sunday, January 4, 2015


We are all on our own journeys.

Everyone's paths are shaped differently. Some roads are smooth. Some oceans are vast.

No vessel is built the same. Some are small, and others are large. Over time your mode of travel may break down. It will get a new paint job. It may just outright be traded in for a better fit in where you're headed.

The passengers and crew on your journey may remain constant. They could change as your environment does. Some will have many. Some will have none.

Your journey is your own, and it shapes who you will become. No ones journey is set, and the course can always be changed.

However, so many of us allow someone else to take our wheel. We allow this new captain to steer our thoughts and energy in a direction that we had not intended. They may make changes to your ship ... To your crew ... You may not even recognize it right away.

Don't let anyone take your wheel. Toxic or not, it is not their wheel to turn. It is not their journey to chart. It is not their story to write.

Own your journey. Take it back if another force has robbed you from it.
Take the wheel and look ahead at what is yet to come.

With every storm, your sails grow stronger. With every sunny day, your soul grows warmer.

One day your journey will end.  Embrace it. Own it. Live it.