Wednesday, October 16, 2013

"You're Welcome"

This phrase doesn't come easily for me.

When thanked for helping out, or being given praise for a job well done - my gut reaction is to respond with:

"No Problem!"

I'm not very good at taking praise.

My boss narks on me all the time about it.  Reminding me to take pride in what I'm doing, and to accept the thank you.  Maybe because in my mind, it's just the "normal" thing to do.  Like, why would I not help you out and make that phone call for you?  Or why would I not put in 110% of my effort into this report - it's my job, and I take my job seriously.

I view this as a weakness - not because I'm "too nice" (which I am) or because I'm a pushover (which I'm not, most of the time).  It's because what I'm beginning to learn is that you need to gloat.  You need to stretch out your arms and go "YES, I DID THIS PIE CHART.  AND IT IS AMAZING.  THANK YOU FOR THANKING ME!"

Okay, perhaps *not* quite that dramatic.
I believe being humble is good ... but allowing people to pat you on the back is necessary.  It reminds you that you're doing a great job.  That you're an awesome person.  And reassurance that you're doing the right thing.

Part of this derives from some confidence issues (People who know me, and read that are probably gasping - yes, I have some serious issues with my image and how I'm received.  No this will not stop me from being who I am, and the social butterfly that is my persona.  But I still will battle the doubts and negative thoughts that plague me from my teen years.)  It is all a work in progress, which I feel as each day passes it improves.

So, if you're like me, and next time someone says "Thank You" - remember that it's okay to say:

"You're Welcome"

And leave it at that.

Thanks for reading.
~Be The Thermostat - Not The Thermometer~

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