Sunday, October 5, 2014


Anger is an ugly and powerful emotion.

It twists us and drives even the kindest person to poor choices and behavior.

Drunk off jealousy, the brightest of stars fade into blackness.

Fueled by hate, the sweetest of flowers wilt.

Anger steals our inner peace and replaces it with an emptiness that cannot be filled.

Bitterness and resentment steer the ship while anger fuels the engine.

No end in sight - the captain loses control.

It isn't until the anchor of forgiveness is found and thrown overboard.

The ride screeches to a halt. It takes a moment for clarity to set in.

Warmth returns ... hope restored.

Time will heal the wounds but scars will forever remain.

Love and understanding is Anger's enemy.

Where anger blinds, love restores.
Where hate devours, compassion replenishes.

Extinguish Anger and Replace with Love.
Be the anchor and light for someone's runaway train.

Love. Not hate.

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