Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Nikki Fu Experiment - A Preview!

I left before vacation talking about a preview of September.  Part of it was going into a little more detail about my first blog series!

Well, I'd like to give you a preview regarding a series of blogs over the next few weeks.

I call it ...
The Nikki Fu Experiment!
Yes, that is me.  Halloween 2008.  One of the best (and worst) pictures of me.  Ever.

Let me be honest for a moment.
I am over weight.  I'm not "a little chubby" or "needing to lost a few pounds".  No, I could qualify to be on the biggest loser.  I am a classic case of a yo-yo dieter.  I would do something, lose a bunch of weight, gain weight back.  The cycle is vicious.  I have been within 30 pounds of my "ultimate goal weight" and well above my heaviest (where I'm teetering at now).  I give myself a little more grace now, because of having two babies within two years.
JJ, however, turns 1 next week.  Rachel is now 2 and 1/2.  The execuses and grace period is coming to an end.  Now is the time to act, before my metabolism gets any worse (and science shows, the older I get ... the worse it's only going to get).

My experiment, is to explore healthy living, diet and exercise tips.   Set goals to incorporate these ideas into my routine (daily / weekly / monthly) and see how I succeed.  The ones that work, stay.  The ones that flop, go.

It sounds sad - but this is not my first rodeo going on this adventure.  I just hate being unhealthy like this.  Sure I'm active and running, but even then that has taken the back seat over the last month.   I have a 5K this Saturday that I am not fully prepared for (thankfully it's a fun run, and it's not meant to be taken too seriously).

I'm ready for a full on, life style overhaul.  I tried to challenge myself this summer.  I joined Weight Watchers again.  I did an Insanity Challenge.  It helped, and I lost weight.  Over these last few weeks though, it's like I'm letting myself slip.

Tonight I say: No More.
Tomorrow I say: Bring It.

While my experiment won't kick off until next week, I wanted to share with you what you'll be expecting in the next few months!  I will share with you my progress ... my slip ups ... and all my victories.  I'll be tracking my numbers, and will share them with you as my journey moves forward.

Before Monday you'll see a post regarding what my first goals will be (Daily / Weekly / Monthly goals), plus my plan.  I do plan on reconnecting with My Fitness Pal account (find me here).  I also plan on going back to WW (it's a great system/plan.  I want to follow through on it).  Plus an array of other things, that I will detail out better later on.

Many of my family and friends either have, or currently are, struggling with their weight.  Some are struggling with being fit and active.  And others are just struggling to be healthy.  My hope is that this series will show what tips are realistic and can work ... and what silly ideas should be just left alone.  I'm also hoping I can inspire others in taking steps to be healthier for themselves.  Stay tuned in the next few days for more!

Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. I know you can do this #2!! I'm behind you all the way!
