Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Nikki Fu Expriment: Goals

Hello my awesome readers!

Tomorrow I begin ... again!  I am pushing the reset button (1 week before a biggest loser competition begins).  Since I am making this apart of a blog series, I wanted to list out the first series of "goals" I have for myself. 

It's all apart of the experiment!

I hope to take popular tips, etc. and apply them to my program.  I'll report back on what's working and not working.  Hopefully I'll learn some new things, and help show to others what can work (and what doesn't!)

I am breaking it down by daily, weekly and monthly.
Just a couple under each bracket.  The daily I'll keep for a week, weekly I'll keep for two weeks and then the monthly I'll review on a monthly basis.

I look forward to seeing what works for me, what may work for you, and what doesn't work (for any of us!)

Here is the first set:


1)  Drink my weight in water.  (I already aim to drink 8 glasses of day ... but I have seen a tip that whatever you weigh, you should drink that amount in ounces.  I know there is a risk for drinking too much water - but that's if you hold it, never pee, drink all at once, etc.  So I plan on drinking it over the course of the entire day.  And peeing often!)

2)  Eat in this order: King, Queen, Pauper.  (The idea behind this, is that you eat your biggest meal for Breakfast, a moderate meal for Lunch, and a smallish meal for Dinner.  I can understand the logic behind this, because you burn more calories when you're awake.  It may prove to be difficult with my family, but I am hoping to stick it out a week to see how it goes!)

3)  Have one cup of green tea a day.  (The green tea is supposed to help boost my metabolism.  I'm hoping by having a cup a day, aka the afternoon pick up, it will help me wean off of soda as well!).


1)  Do 30 minutes of cardio, 5 times a week PLUS 2 days of weight lifting/resistance training.  (This shouldn't be super terrible - but I'm slacking as of late.  So this may be the kick in the butt I need to get moving again!)

2)  Have a meatless dinner once a week.  (My husband is NOT thrilled with this one.  He loves meat ... steak, chicken, whatever.  Yet I have read so many tips and posts about going meatless one day is not only good for your body - but good for the environment!  So I am hoping to win him over with some bean dishes, or quinoa!)

3)  Read from a non-school related book 3x a week.  (This falls under the "make me" category.  I am going to be swimming hard with school, Relay, work, and life in general.  This does not mean I should stay up until midnight reading books, and sacrificing sleep.  But it means that maybe I call it quits early one night from school, and spend that last hour reading more smut from E L James!)


1)  Get to the doctors for a wellness check up.  (This one may be more difficult if we run into hiccups under Josh's medical.  Yet from what we've gathered, we're all good.  So the goal is to see a doctor for a general wellness check up, along with a dentist *which I know won't be good report, ha ha* and a dermatologist *having my best friend as a melanoma survivor, this is UBER important that I get checked*  I know that while I'm trying to improve my body on my own, I need to have a doctor check me out too.)

 2)  Get a date night in.  (Being healthy is more than just a "me" thing.  It's more than getting physical exercise ... or seeing a doctor ... or drinking a crap ton of water.  It's about having healthy relationships.  My marriage needs to be healthy, especially during these crazy times.  I must remember that us time is just as important as me time.  One date night per month, per some advice read, is perfect to help keep sanity in the marriage.)

So there it is!

My goals for the next month.  I look forward reporting back a week from today on how the daily ones went, and how I'm doing on my other ones.

Do you have any tips that you've heard?  Leave them in the comments below!  Maybe I'll add them in my next round.

Thanks for reading, and keep your eyes peeled for updates!

Be The Thermostat - Not The Thermometer

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